Swiss BET Program,
2022-2024 (Swiss BET III)
2024-2025 (Swiss BET IV)
Swiss Bank Executives' Training Program III
(Swiss BET Program III) 2024-2025
The Swiss Bank Executives' Training Program (Swiss BET Program) is a top-notch 18-month executive education program designed for senior Vietnamese bank executives. The training curriculum is organized around 13 thematic modules covering key topics related to bank management, banking strategy and operational concepts as well as regulatory matters. It provides a comprehensive overview of international practices relevant for bankers in an emerging market setting.
The program has two parallel cohorts which are simultaneously run, one in the North and another one in the South. The duration of each of the modules will be three days (alternating between Mon-Wed and Fri-Sun). It is estimated that each cohort will have 40-45 participants. Some sessions will be held as joint North-South sessions (in Da Nang) in order to provide networking opportunities for participants of both locations.
This executive training program is implemented under the responsibility of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), in partnership with the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV). It is part of the economic development cooperation of Switzerland for Vietnam.
The training will be delivered by the Swiss Finance Institute (SFI).
Program Director: Prof. Dr. Alfred Mettler
Program provider
in partnership with
Swiss BET IV
The 4th cycle of the Swiss Bank Executives' Training Program successfully started in June 2024 with 86 participants.
Next Module
The topic of module 8 is "Credit Analysis and Risk Pricing". The module will take place from March 21-23 (joint module in Da Nang).
Further Information
Further Information will follow soon.